Autonomous Navigation

One of the challenges of the University Rover Challenge is driving autonmously through a series of gates marked by AR Tag markers. To accomplish this, I lead the charge in developing software in python using ROS to detect where these AR Tags were in 3D space using a singular camera a top the rover. These 3D coordinates were then passed off to another ROS node that would drive the rover to perfectly drive through the gate.

Currently, we are working on implementing the ROS navigation stack to be able to fuse our sensor data (point cloud from stero camera, 2D lidar, ultrasonic) into a routing algorithm that will path plan the rover to both GPS and self-detected AR Tag goals.

Rover Driving Through Gate Demo

Rover Detecting AR Tag in Simulation Demo

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I am always looking to take on a new challenge. Message me on LinkedIn or send me an email below and let's get started!